All from the humble cupcake!

It seems far fetched to think that MNKafé began from the humble cupcake. On my trip to Sydney in April of 2012, I was inspired to change my world entirely. I fell in love with the dainty cafe's spread out across the city, the dessert havens that beckoned every sweet tooth, and the bistros that seemed eclectic and chic; and while Sydney is a far cry from the coastal town of Mombasa, I had the urge to focus on what I saw as an opportunity in an emerging market.
This blog will highlight my journey from the hustle and bustle of New York - to the much more subdued, yet noisy, city of Mombasa, Kenya. As chef & owner of MNKafé, I can say the journey has been long, and sometimes bumpy, but every bit exciting and exhilarating. They say that if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life. That's true - and I need to make up for the many years I spent "working" in various fields, all of which are somehow related to some form of service, yet they all gave some insightful experience in their respective ways. Here's to many years of cupcakes, waffles, and shakes. And more.